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研究 and Duplication 服务

The Libraries occasionally receives requests to research and duplicate materials from our collections.  图书馆 staff do not conduct research or make duplicates for patrons.

The following options are available:

  • 访问我们的. The Ohio University Libraries are open to the public, with the exception of overnight hours (midnight to 7:00 AM). 小时 for all of our libraries and archives are on our web site.  工作人员 on-site will provide directional and basic assistance in finding and using collections and equipment.  Directions and parking information is available.
  • Work with your local library to place an Interlibrary Loan request for a specific item.
  • Consider hiring a local researcher to conduct the research on your behalf.  If you do not have local contacts, you may wish to consider contacting Career 连接ions, an 雅典, Ohio-based staffing agency, to inquire about researcher availability through their services.  The Ohio University Libraries offers this possibility simply as a courtesy and do not endorse or recommend this specific staffing agency.

The following exceptions may apply: